Tag Archives: tentacle sex

Call for Submissions: Safe, Sane, Consentacle

Innumerable inquisitive, squirming tentacles reaching, probing, grasping…penetrating. Maybe it’s an alien, maybe its an animate plant, maybe a product of a mad scientist’s lab, or maybe a creature from the depths of the Pacific. Whatever it is, it’s a HOTTIE!

Circlet Press is looking for your stories about mutually enthusiastic and satisfying encounters between human and tentacle monster. Or elf and tentacle monster. Or perhaps even tentacle monster and tentacle monster.

Both fantasy and science fiction stories are welcome; all (non-copyrighted) settings; all genders–current or future; stories can be kinky or (to the extent tentacle sex can be) vanilla.

Though the title is lighthearted, we are also open to sad or melancholy stories.

Email your submissions to circletsubmissions@gmail.com with “Consentacle” in the header.

Stories must contain explicit, consensual (duh!) sex, as part of a story with a beginning, middle and end. We do not publish poetry. Stories should generally be between 2500 and 8500 words (though we’re flexible for a great story). Originals only, no reprints. We purchase first rights for inclusion in the ebook anthology for $25, with the additional rights to a print edition later which would also pay $25 should it happen. Authors retain the rights to the individual stories; Circlet exercises rights to the anthology as a whole. Submissions are open now, and close on March 31st.



Now in ebook! Monster Whisperer by Nobilis Reed

Ebook $5.99
ISBN 978-1-61390-173-1
Paperback (forthcoming) $12.95
ISBN 978-1-61390-174-8
80,000 words; 250 pages

Formats :

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We are so excited to bring you this erotic novel from the mastermind of the Nobilis Erotica podcast, Nobilis Reed. Are tentacles your thing? Keep reading for a hot excerpt from MONSTER WHISPERER.

If there’s something strange with your tentacle monster, who are you going to call? Dale Clearwater: Monster Whisperer. With her own ship and a menagerie of tentacle monsters, she travels from world to world, rehabilitating monsters and training the people who love them. From the amorphous, fluid Kritzoan to the stone-like Nalcheka, Dale embraces the monsters and records her encounters for a reality show that broadcasts to countless worlds. One might think there’s nothing she couldn’t, or wouldn’t, do. Still, when she gets a call from her old colleague (and old flame), Dale nearly turns him down. Nearly. Joining him to capture a particularly dangerous monster is part of an adventure that has the potential to change their universe – or lose Dale her monsters, her ship, her show, and everything that she holds dear.
And now, an excerpt from MONSTER WHISPERER:

A woman rose from leaning against the curved railing at one end of the balcony, and walked toward them with a measured stride. She appeared fortyish, with mild creases at the corners of her mouth and on her brow that gave her a permanent look of disapproval, even as she made a professional smile. She was dressed in an informal blouse and shorts, with a pair of hiking boots.

Dale held out her hand. “Miz Ventura.”

“Pleased to meet you, Miz Clearwater. Please, call me Ellen.” She turned to her assistant and dismissed her with a nod. “Thank you, Francis.” The younger woman disappeared into the elevator.

“Thank you. Ellen. Call me Dale. So what’s the problem? Your request didn’t include any details.”

“It’s my Orichalc. It has been rather listless lately. The veterinarian hasn’t found anything medically wrong; she says it must be something psychological. I was hoping you could help.”

Continue reading Now in ebook! Monster Whisperer by Nobilis Reed