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The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 17

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Seventeen: Jorin

17: Jorin


“Tcha. You just need to suck the heat out of it,” Bear said, drawing up water from the pump behind the stable and soaking my shirt with it, then pressing the wet, wadded cloth against my eye.

I did not flinch from the pressure or the cold. The chill dulled the pain, and in some way I couldn’t explain the feeling of Bear’s other hand, holding my head steady, felt as soothing as the cloth itself. I stayed still, then he pressed my own hand against the cloth and went back to pump up more of the water so cold it was nearly ice. Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 17

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 16

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Sixteen: Kenet

16: Kenet


My father and I went riding together, over West Hill, the next time we met. His moods had not improved lately, yet he still insisted we spend this time together, as designated, every week. The air was warming nicely now, the frits nesting and full summer not long off.

“I hear that there is a grain shortage,” I said to him.

“Where did you hear that?” He rode with one hand holding the reins, the other on the pommel of his sword. The path the horses climbed was too narrow here for us to go side by side, so he went first.

“Here and there.” Jorin had told me he had heard it from the guards. “Is it true?” Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 16

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 15

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Fifteen: Jorin

15: Jorin


Two weeks. Two more weeks passed without Kenet touching me or inviting me to touch him. I began to rack my brain incessantly for a clue to why he would have withdrawn like this. Had I pushed him too far, too fast? Perhaps I never should have suggested we go beyond touching with our hands. I had told him it wouldn’t be clean to take me in his mouth. Was he afraid that was what I wanted him to do every time? Or had something else put the fear in him? Had he seen something like what I had seen with Dubacki’s chastisement? Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 15

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 14

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Fourteen: Kenet

14: Kenet


I ascended the stairs into Seroi’s tower, passing through the barrier of incense and into the chamber.

He no longer had any pretense of being robed when I would enter. For a few days he would tell me the moment I came into his domain to shed my clothes and then kneel on the designated spot. Then one day he no longer told me, but just stared at me, one eyebrow raised, until I did so. Now he did not even look up from what he was writing until after I had been kneeling there for several minutes.

“Very good,” he said, without looking up, and I felt the words of praise wash through me like a warm draught. Then I was dashed with cold water: “But you are still not quite ready.” Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 14

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 13

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Thrteen: Jorin

13: Jorin


Days passed without Kenet letting me touch him after that. He kept telling me he wasn’t feeling well enough, though he’d let me hold him when we were in our nightclothes. He was sleeping fitfully, too, jerking in his sleep, and sometimes moaning and rocking against me. They must have been nightmares, but my deprived body interpreted the sounds as something else. More than once I hurriedly tugged myself to completion while he slept. Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 13

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 12

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Twelve: Kenet

12: Kenet


I saw Seroi almost every day, except a few times when he merely sent me to the archives to read certain ancestral accounts. Each time I saw him, he milked some seed from me before I left. It took less and less time for him to bring me to the point of spilling, and it seemed to me his touch grew lighter and lighter each time as well, as if he moved from pulling the seed out of me to coaxing my cock to give it to him like an obedient animal.

This impression was never higher than the day he began, rather than ended, our lesson with the milking. I climbed to his tower as always, the incense making me dizzy but my head clearing once I reached his side. He looked up from the ledger he was writing in and a smile broke slowly across his smooth cheeks. “Kenet,” he said, as affectionately as one might to a pet dog that has just fetched your shoes. Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 12

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 11

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Eleven: Jorin

11: Jorin


Once Bear decided I was ready, he took me down to the guard barracks to train. There were several men already leaning on the split wood of the pen, watching two of their fellows striking at each other with sticks. As we drew closer I saw they were not merely sticks, but wooden practice swords. Each man dipped his weapon into a pot of ground powder before they began, and afterward each examined the streaks left on his uniform where various blows and cuts had landed.

One of the men called out to Bear and the two combatants stopped to watch us approach. Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 11

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 10

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Ten: Kenet

10: Kenet


Jorin was as quiet as always during banquet. His eyes roamed the room as they always did, while I made small talk with the baron seated to my right and his wife, visitors from the western coast. Jorin truly would make a good guard, I thought, regardless what fancy I held in my head.

The baron and his lady got up to join one of the courtly dances and I remained in my seat, wondering what I was going to tell Jorin about my mysterious lesson with Seroi. I was magically bound by the promise not to speak of it. Presumably the tug I felt on my heart each time I tried to imagine the words in my mouth was a warning that if I broke the promise, I would die. Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 10

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 9

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Nine: Kenet

9: Kenet


When I came to, I was in my own bed. The horns were blowing, heralding the return of the hunters from the day’s hunt. Banquet was still a few hours away then. I sat up slowly. I was clothed in my silk sleeping clothes and I had to wonder if Seroi had dressed me, or if a maid had, or if Bear…? Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 9

The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 8

Welcome to The Prince’s Boy by Cecilia Tan, a tale of a prince and his whipping boy ensnared in a plot of dark erotic magic. Warning: explores themes of dubious consent and situations of sexual jeopardy. NSFW.

A new chapter appears every Wednesday. This week is Chapter Eight: Kenet

8: Kenet


I followed Seroi into a tower I had not been in before, in a section of the castle I had only passed through briefly a few times in all the years I’d lived there. For some reason I decided this time would not be when I would gawk at the tapestries on the corridor walls, and instead I focused on the spot in the center of Seroi’s back, trying to act like I had walked these stones a thousand times. Why, I do not know, since surely he knew full well I did not frequent this area.

Was this where he lived? I had no idea. My father had always said very little about the Lord High Mage. I assumed he lived somewhere in the sprawl of walls and towers that was the castle, but had never thought about exactly where. I’d truly never given Seroi too much thought at all. Continue reading The Prince’s Boy: Chapter 8