Tag Archives: #porncamp

Writing Through Depression video workshop by @JenWilliams13

In this video Circlet’s own Jennifer Williams provides tips and tricks for staying in the “write” frame of mind while struggling with depression. From word counts to accountability partners and even touching on the value of binge watching, Jennifer guides you through what she’s learned during her own journey through major depressive disorder. We hope you enjoy this video and find it to be a useful toolbox for your creativity.

Jennifer Williams can be found on Twitter at @JenWilliams13 and on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/JenniferWilliams

Video was recorded at the Circlet Press Writers & Editors Retreat, May 2018 in Cambridge, MA.

Nobilis strikes again! LIVE AUDIO from #porncamp!

Nobilis Erotica, proud attendee of the 2016 Circlet Writers Retreat, was kind enough to record the round table reading at #porncamp. With the microphone dangling from its stand like (as the other attendees noted) a pendulous “robot dick”, and the various laptops propped up on a carpeted cat tree, Nobilis captured a few minutes at a time of sizzling-hot nerdy smut.

Listen to the snippets of porn and the writerly ambiance here!