Cats of Circlet IIX: Epilogue

Circlet HQ is not always the most organized place on earth. On the eighth day of A Week of Fuzziness, we have a couple photos we received early and then lost and a couple we got in the last week or so. All are awesome and fuzzy as heck.

Frequent Circlet contributor Jason Rubis submitted his photo of  Dupree fairly early, but somehow he got lost in the shuffle. He seems to be waiting his turn patiently enough…

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Cats of Circlet Press

It has been several years since we last ran our popular Cats (and Other ((Non-Human)) Pets) of Circlet Press feature, partially because our parentheses budget was exhausted after the last one. This year we have several dozen cats, dogs, and miscellaneous other beasties, and it will take us an entire week to post them all, so come back every day this week for more!

We’re adding a little twist this year: the best proposed caption for one of the photos will win  a copy of our limited-release Shapeshifter Ebook Bundle. You can give your caption in the comments  below (don’t forget to mark which picture it’s for) or use one of the innumerable online captioning tools like Meme Generator, ImgFlip, or Meme Maker.

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